Akai Kiseki revolves around the basic plot of a star in the female figure-skating world who falls in love with a youth who had killed someone in the past and portrays various trials and tribulations these star-crossed lovers have to go through to pursue their forbidden love. With the theme that \"it is possible to illuminate one's life based on one's efforts,\" we launch this fresh modern installment of the Akai series. Fukada Kyoko is trying out figure-skating for the first time in this show, and be sure not to miss scenes where she appears in the skating costumes and gorgeous clothes. 日本TBS电视台去年开始,让深田恭子等三位当红女星,分别主演了她们同经纪公司前辈山口百惠当年的经典代表作红色系列。其中深田恭子主演最后一部《红色奇迹》,在剧中主演美丽且着名的花样滑冰选手,她将和一个曾经杀过人的青年恋爱。 结果当捧着手捧花束,一身白色花样滑冰选手装扮,并用冠军专门向观众致意的姿势接受媒体拍照的时候,她纤细的身形着实让人吃了一惊。 犹记得深田恭子前不久,在电影《天使》的记者会上那小胖妹的样子,不料没过多久已经完全回复纤细的少女身形了。 深田恭子笑颜如花地表示,今年的冬奥即将开始,自己也会努力不要输给奥运健儿们。 据悉,在剧中扮演深田恭子情人的,是日本着名石原军团的年轻红星德重聪,他感叹初次见到深田恭子的时候,看到她居然这么漂亮感到大吃一惊