A pair of post-90s besties have chosen very different paths in life. Upon graduation, one stayed in Shanghai to focus on her career while the other returned to their hometown to get married. In recent years, they encounter unprecedented difficulties. For many years, Yuan Ge has been married to her job and hasn't bothered investing in relationships. As her health takes a hit, she starts to make changes in her life. For eight years, Gu Qiao has made constant concessions for her husband only to be given divorce papers in the end. This time around, she's determined to restart her career. While both ladies have completely different personalities, they are equally tough and brave. In a metropolis full of opportunities, it is easy to lose your way. Not afraid of falling, they are persistent and join hands in overcoming difficulties to complete the transformation of youth and usher in a new chapter in their thirties. 还要用这种狗血烂剧,恶心观众多久?。看了第一集除了衣服(也只是能看),其他的是真的看不下去。频频踩中打工人雷区,剧里的职场不能真实一点吗?。观感。男主演技太尬了吧。垃圾中的垃圾。差差差。我的看法。。实在看不下去了 颜值7分 剧情烂的不行不行。《我们的当打之年》应该是近期播出的剧里最烂的了。 袁歌和谷峤是一对来自小城的姐妹花,当初毕业一个选择留在上海打拼,一个选择回小城当贤内助。在将近而立之年,两人先后遭遇了前所未有的困境。袁歌多年只专注工作,疏于情感生活的同时身体也出了状况,她开始尝试改变自己;谷峤为爱八年间不断妥协,最终却只收获了一纸离婚协议,她决心重启自己的事业。这对姐妹花性格截然不同,却一样坚韧勇敢,不惧跌倒,在上海这样一个充满机遇但同时又容易令人迷失的大都市里,她们始终坚持、携手共进,共同克服生活的难题。互帮互助,互相成就,最终二人在各自的职场和情感上都有所收获,共同完成青春的蜕变,迎来全新的30岁。