After a year of combating a pandemic with relatively benign symptoms, a frustrated nation finally lets its guard down. This is when the virus spontaneously mutates, giving rise to a mind-altering plague. The streets erupt into violence and depravity, as those infected are driven to enact the most cruel and ghastly things they can think of. Murder, torture, rape and mutilation are only the beginning. A young couple is pushed to the limits of sanity as they try to reunite amid the chaos. The age of civility and order is no more. There is only "The Sadness". 我要一張19:45的<哭悲>。對疫情最接近噩夢的形容。就那么一个激灵...。 《哭悲》故事描述新型病毒蔓延,全世界的人們對病毒逐漸麻木,沒人相信病毒的突變和濳藏危機即將到來。俊喆和他的女友凱婷討論疫情何時結束,但生活還是一如往常。某天早上,俊喆騎車送凱婷去上班分開後,兩人分別目睹不明暴徒的襲擊事件:包括早餐店老闆被阿婆撲倒狂咬、隔壁鄰居拿著武器大街狂奔、各地的暴動事件頻傳,恐慌、尖叫聲在全城蔓延。遭感染的異常人類發出「嘎嘎嘎嘔」的聲音,遍布街頭,被虐殺的血腥畫面滿街都是,大狂殺恐怖襲來,誰能活下來?俊喆要如何殺出活路,拯救不知去向的心愛女友?