Under the helm of rookie director Tokiwa Shiro,a family reunites following the funeral, last rites and cremation for a meal. The widow has determined that she will cook the food for the funeral, but there is barely anything to eat. They realize that it was the dead man's will for it to be so. They eat eggs, reminisce, bond and talk some more. They remember the dead man and his ways and even laugh as they recall their better days. 《最初的晚餐》:什么是家人。要珍惜能一起吃饭的日子。《最初的晚餐》:确实,最初,是因为有戸田恵梨香我才看的。很期待。好看。亲情。时光。Ai。哦。美丽与感伤。 影片讲述亡父记忆的料理让怀着复杂心情的家人羁绊更深的感人故事。 东麟太郎和姐姐美也子一家为了参加父亲的葬礼回到故乡。灵前守夜的当晚,继母突然宣布取消了预定的便当,要自己做饭,而端来的饭菜却只是普通的煎荷包蛋。亲戚们议论起来,但是麟太郎想起父亲最初给他们做的料理就是煎荷包蛋,吃到继母按照父亲的遗书要求做的饭菜,麟太郎回忆起二十年前父亲带着他们姐弟,与继母带着的儿子阿俊再婚组成新家庭的时光。随着荷包蛋、味增汤、烤秋刀鱼、蘑菇披萨、鲔鱼饺子、寿喜锅等一道道家常菜端上桌,曾经的回忆穿插闪回,将这一重组家庭的开始、冲突到相互磨合的过程一一展现。