Seth Rogen's second time hosting. Sketches include: A Special Address From the President of the United States, Seth Rogen Monologue, The Fast and The Bi-Curious, Save the Funnies, La Rivista Della Televisione, An SNL Digital Short: Like A Boss (featuring The Lonely Island), Girlfriend Voices, Weekend Update with Seth Meyers, Weekend Update: Rod Blagojevich, Weekend Update: Jean K. Jean, Weekend Update: Madonna and Angelina Jolie, The Presentation, Milestone High, Clancy T. Bachleratt and Jackie Snad Sing Easter Songs, Muppets Hit and Run. Phoenix performs "Lisztomania", "1901", and "Too Young". 第34季第19期 美国总统奥巴马在欧洲发表演讲,指出在当前的经济形势下哪些企业yes,哪些企业no。本期主持人为Seth Rogen,Seth说他已经是第二次主持SNL了,没有像上次那么紧张,至少他读对了制片人的名字...而且编剧也不再给他写稿子,让他回答观众的问题,于是观众们纷纷提问....Seth上了意大利的电影节目,却从头到尾都被当成bear man.....Seth、Andy和Bill三人在酒吧商量事情,却被一个又一个电话打断....本期音乐嘉宾Phoenix。