On his first day at University, The manages to commit his every evening to working behind the scenes on a play. He's sorry to give up his evenings with Oh-aew, but he'll get them back when the play's finished. Additionally, getting the long way through Bangkok traffic to school proves a challenge for The and his morning alarm keeps being pushed earlier and earlier. His absence is felt strongly by Oh-aew, who by contrast seems to have too much time to himself with no close friends in the city. 我可能知道我的割裂感是怎么来的了,更:回应下说第二季现实的人。口碑全盘崩塌,人气泰剧《以爱2》何以至此?。第二季真的崩了吗?确实,出轨还被原谅了我就不能忍。截至EP3观后感:论以爱2导演此次的马失前蹄。水土不服的椰子(完结)。我遗憾你的变化,但是我欣然接受。因为这才是人生。以爱到底讲了一个什么故事?Part Two 真的人设崩塌、故事脱线吗?。不写出来睡不着的续篇:Part Two的剑走偏锋与两败俱伤(含S2E03 PTSD自愈记录)。腐女就不要看了,这是真正的同志剧。我终于明白我为什么喜欢这部剧了。。 继续Teh和Oh-aew的故事,他们会发生什么故事?他们对彼此会有什么感觉?