After her husband goes missing, Sue Buttons (Allison Janney), an under-appreciated suburban wife, gets a taste of being a local celebrity as she embarks on a city-wide search in Yuba County to find him. In an effort to prolong her newfound fame, she stumbles into hilarious hi jinks as her world turns upside down, dodging a wanna-be mobster (Awkwafina), a relentless local policewoman (Regina Hall), her half-sister (Mila Kunis) a local news reporter desperate for a story, and her husband's dead-beat brother (Jimmi Simpson), who all set out to uncover the truth behind the disappearance. 不择手段,只为出名。为出名不择手段,奥斯卡奖得主倾情演绎。美剧《极品老妈》中的Bonnie挑大梁,剧情很爽,但作为喜剧稍显逊色。恶搞当中蕴含细节内涵。。一个老年危机的妇女,得不到重视,自己生日也无人问津,非常失落。于是借助丈夫偷腥猝死,谎报丈夫失踪后搞出来的一段荒诞的黑色喜剧片。打卡泰特·泰勒、奥卡菲娜 黑色幽默小镇惊魂。 苏·宝特姆斯(珍妮饰)将丈夫与一个女子捉奸在床,却没成想,她的丈夫被吓到心脏病发离世。苏随即把丈夫尸身埋掉。老公的消失,倒是让苏的名望、地位日益增长。但是苏很快发现,她自己不仅要躲避警察和罪犯,更要对她那迫切想要获得猛料的新闻主播妹妹南希三缄其口。