The true story of a small-town, working-class father who embarks on a walk across the U.S. to crusade against bullying after his son is tormented in high school for being gay. Meanwhile, he realizes he is instead missing out on his son's life back at home. 与你们不一样,是我的错吗?。一个真实的故事,一段悲伤的旅程。电影故事的原型。金獅座流雨。 影片根据真实事件改编,讲述雅丁(里德·米勒 饰)因性取向遭受同学的霸凌而自杀,他的父亲乔·贝尔(马克·沃尔伯格 饰)由此展开了一场穿越美国之旅,在这场旅行中,乔·贝尔随时都能感受到雅丁就在他的身边。