Cicero, pseudonym of Ilyas Bazna, born 1904, Pristina, one of the most famous spies of World War II, who worked for Nazi Germany in 1943-44 while he was employed as valet to Sir Hughe Montgomery Knatchbull-Hugessen, British ambassador to neutral Turkey from 1939. He photographed secret documents from the embassy safe and turned the films over to the former German chancellor Franz von Papen, at that time German ambassador in Ankara. For this service the Hitler government paid Cicero large sums in British money, most of it counterfeited in Germany. Despite the evident authenticity of the films, the Nazi officials in Berlin mistrusted Cicero and are said to have disregarded his information. Who was Cicero? Was he a German spy or a spy working for the Turkish Intelligence (MIT)? Was he after money or was he just a man seeking vengeance for the death of his parents? 聊聊二战史上的西塞罗间谍案。 出生在阿尔巴尼亚的伊利亚斯·巴兹娜是英国驻安卡拉大使馆的仆人,负责把有价值的情报卖给德国人,代号"西塞罗“,但事实上他实际是为土耳其政府服务