The series follows a young woman brought up in an ultra-Orthodox community in Brooklyn's Williamsburg district who strikes out for Berlin, leaving behind an arranged marriage and tight-knit faith community in part to pursue her goal of becoming a classical musician. 哈西迪犹太教的Culture Shock。犹太女孩出走纽约,离经叛道震惊世界。Let's All Be Unorthodox。潦潦草草,可惜了故事。把宗教摆在世人面前的典范。宗教悲剧·男权·逃离。上帝对我的要求太高,我做不到。敬Esty和Yanky。女主很勇敢。If life is a staged play, break the fourth wall。 一名隶属哈西迪犹太教派的女子为了躲避家人安排的婚姻,从布鲁克林逃往柏林,在一群音乐家的接纳下展开新生,直到过往的一切找上门来。