After the aftermath of a war, a young girl who was used as a 'tool' for war learned to live. With the scars of burns, she goes back to her past to feel the true feelings of the Major's, \"I love you.\" 结局差强人意。Does the Violet Evergarden need an end?。还好。看完紫罗兰 爷青结了。真的是看的最难过的good end。京阿尼其实可以不出这个剧场版。主观性很强的观后感。锦书难寄,终有送达之日。祝福你,薇尔莉特。。紫罗兰永世长存。 延续TV版的主线剧情,继续讲述从战场回来的少女薇尔莉特·伊芙加登为了理解“爱”的含义而从事为有需要的人们写信传情的工作。薇妹一直挂念的少佐的下落大概率会在这部剧场版中讲述。