Mr. Thank You is the kindly young driver of a local bus traveling from poverty stricken coastal villages, over the mountains, to the town. He thanks everybody when they let his bus pass on the narrow road. Among the passengers is a worldly young woman, who flirts with the driver while trying to put the villagers in their place. There is also an embarrassed mother who is taking her virginal daughter to the train station to be sent to Tokyo, presumably to be sold. 昭和初年,日本经济萎靡不振,大批劳动者失业,贫苦人家卖儿卖女,上演几多人间悲剧。远在南国的伊豆山区似乎也未曾幸免,人们出出进进,来来往往,为了生计疲于奔命。在这条总长80公里的山路上,有一个长途公交车司机格外受人欢迎。他面容俊朗,为人谦和,对在路上遇见的旅客总会恭敬地道声“谢谢”,因此他被人们称为“谢谢先生”(上原谦 饰)。这一天,谢谢先生按时发车,同车的有他所喜欢女孩,如今却要被卖到城里沦为妓女。旅途上,大事小事不断,从中也弥漫出几多愁绪与温馨…… 本片根据川端康成的小说改编,是著名演员上原谦的表演处女作。