Yong-nam (Jung-suk Jo) was one of the best rock climbers in college but hasn't had much luck elsewhere after graduation. He has failed to get a job for many years and has to rely on his parents just to get by. For his mother's 70th birthday, he insisted on having the party at Dream Garden because his old crush, Eui-ju (Yoona) works there. When a disaster strikes, covering an entire district in Seoul with mysterious white gas, he has to use all of his rock climbing skills with the help of Eui-ju to get everyone to safety. 关于电影中一些你也许没注意到但又很重要的小细节。住的楼层越高越容易得救,太真实了吧。EXIT,不只爽而已。开挂!韩国电影为何每年都爆款频出?。《极限逃生》:灾难动作喜剧的惊艳新写。无聊的九月院线,这绝对是一针兴奋剂!。活着真好,一起活下来,真好。健身吧少女的瞎鸡毛写。一场全民(主要男主一家)围观的双人攀登+跑酷+百米冲刺的现场直播。。双人合作默契暖心,无人机是最大亮点。 在大学时代,龙南曾是校内最强的攀岩选手,但是毕业后他的人生却“一路向下”。找不到工作的龙南只能依靠父母接济过活。马上就要到他母亲的七十大寿,龙南坚持要将庆祝仪式放在学妹仪珠工作的酒店中举办。在宴会厅,龙南和仪珠意外相遇,然而等待着他们的却是一场前所未有的灾难。当剧毒的气体充满首尔城区时,他们要通过自身的能力和攀岩技巧来逃出生天。