Pinku (the Japanese softcore film sub-genre) has a long and historied part in Japanese cinema. The genre has existed for over forty years and seen many ebbs and flows. One of the directors during the heyday of the movement was the prolific Muranishi Toru. Adpated from a novel about the man, The Naked Director depicts the character, his art, vision and his interactions with the approving and disapproving folk around him. 简明日本A片衰亡史。了不起的山田孝之。把欲望赋予意义是愚蠢的,导演背后的真实资料。这部成人剧背后的故事,比正片精彩100倍!。那个躺在当代青年硬盘里的男人。发生在大结局之后的事。性不肮脏,肮脏的是性产业。印象深刻的一些片段。从肾到心,从心到肾。昭和!昭和!。 《全裸导演》拥有豪华的演员阵容,挑战真实无禁忌。 20 世纪 80 年代,经济泡沫正值高峰期,整个日本都对未来的可能性充满无限期待。早在办公室女职员和女大学生在东京朱莉安娜(“JULIANA'S TOKYO”)迪厅挥舞着羽毛扇疯狂起舞之前,在成人影片行业起初,就有一位企业家决意要制作成人影片,挑战日本老式的性文化规范,这个人就是“文化禁忌传播先驱”导演村西透。 村西彻底改变了日本色情的概念,并与传奇 AV 女演员黑木香成为家喻户晓的明星。