The world's greatest blue sapphire, the "blue lapis fist", said to have sunk in a pirate ship in the late 19th century, on the coasts of Singapore. A local millionaire plots to retrieve it, and when it's exhibited in an exhibition at the Singaporean Marina Sands hotel, a murder takes place. 平成最后的柯南君让人失望了。观后杂想(纯吐槽)X12。当年我因工藤新一化名为江户川柯南,今年我因江户川柯南化名为阿瑟平井。无剧透。所有的不好看,都是因为剧本差+毁人物。怪盗基德已从冷艳大盗堕落为搞怪逗比,何时能将他最初模样还给我们?。 “名侦探柯南系列”第23部动画剧场版,票房和口碑也屡破纪录。作为平成年代最后一部柯南电影,首次将案件发生地设立在海外,基德时隔四年后再度回归,与柯南合体展开行动。 故事围绕着19世纪末与海盗船一同沉入海底、世界上最大的蓝宝石“绀青之拳”展开。