Set in an alternate universe, in which Korea is a constitutional monarchy in 2018, Oh Sunny is a bright and vivacious musical actress who marries the emperor. She becomes involved in the palace power struggle and a mysterious murder that sets off events that threaten the monarchy itself, while searching for true love and happiness. But, she ends up falling in love with Na Wang Sik who works as a bodyguard for the imperial family. He started working in the palace to take revenge on the person responsible for his mother's death. 基本设定神似上一代英国皇室的狗血剧,狗血得让人欲罢不能。渣皇及帝后cp火葬场记录分析之更原本结局猜测全部写完。分析:太皇太后太后下毒女二插刀;前皇后是渣皇杀的;女尸是前皇后。这什么玩意儿……真,真香。狗血得停不下来!。哪有简单的善和恶,不过是一个喜欢喝速溶咖啡的呸哈。故事30%看新颖,剩下的70%看的是讲故事的手段。第一次看到编剧导演为了洗白坏人费这么大劲儿。朋友们,是谁告诉你喜欢病娇邪气的渣皇就是三观不正了!。一部人物形象迟迟建立不起来一直在改变的剧。 该剧是讲述开朗活泼的音乐剧演员某一天突然飞上枝头变凤凰,嫁给了皇帝,并在皇室里和绝对权力斗争,以大王大妃杀人案为契机,摧毁了皇室并找到了真爱的故事。