Ala Changso is the transliteration of a Tibetan folk song's title meaning please drink up this cup of good wine. It tells the story of a woman who conceals her illness and the secret between her and her ex-husband and decides to go on a pilgrimage to Lhasa. The long pilgrimage reveals her inner secrets one by one. These secrets include entanglements and perplexities of love, morality, responsibility and belief between her and her ex-husband and between her and her second husband. 没有秘密的日子,也要过下去 | 赛人评《阿拉姜色》。如父如子。阿拉姜色:一杯献给命运的美酒。这条朝圣之路,有死亡也有重生。《阿拉姜色》是什么色。朝圣路上没有奇迹 |《阿拉姜色》。母亲死了,母亲不死。年度最佳公路片之一,重新定义藏语电影。请不要随便许愿说,你要去拉萨!。神化与异化之于个人。 一日梦中惊醒,俄玛在重病之际,执意踏上前往拉萨的漫长之旅。现任丈夫和儿子相继追随加入陪伴,这个家庭也在艰辛旅程中逐渐消除隔阂,达成和解。在途中,俄玛向丈夫道出深扰她多年的秘密;病逝后,俄玛未达成的夙愿,又终将如何?