After a group of campers goes missing, a big city detective (Christopher Huff) is reassigned to a dreary sleepy town to investigate their disappearance. While reviewing evidence, he quickly discovers that the town holds many secrets that he must piece together. Time is rapidly running out for the campers which are stranded in a state of phantasmagoria fighting for survival within the wooded labyrinth, and frantically trying to evade a malevolent presence that is stalking them. Despite many warnings from the locals, the detective sinks deeper and deeper into the case and the folklore surrounding it. 亚洲怪谈的不断更新影评。额,这亚洲恐怖剧真的好烂!。标题党来了!。亚洲怪谈观影感受,。HBO亚洲区恐怖剧集,印尼不温不火,只等韩日泰三国发力!。《亚洲怪谈》唤醒原始恐惧!HBO Asia恐怖影集正式预告!!!。刷爆微博的“亚洲第一”大剧来了!。假如我是编剧我会这么写。亚洲怪谈啥...。【吐槽解说】《亚洲怪谈》第二弹:第三第四集,已瞎已瞎!。