Kazunari, a quiet and well-behaved young man, works at a printing company. On the other hand, his older brother, Takushi, is a short-tempered, typical troublemaker who was just released from jail. Yuria, a hard-working lady at a local printing factory has a young sister, Mako, who is very attractive and popular, unlike Yuria. The life of these brothers and sisters comes across suddenly, and two pairs of "cat-and-dog" siblings accelerate their fight. 《犬猿》手足之间的无可奈何。佛祖,下辈子把我们分开吧。。犬猿之仲算什么,亲兄弟/姐妹过招才过瘾。我们用本能活着,我们用爱生活。亲人即仇人的现世物语。影子。 影片描绘了刚刚出狱的麻烦制造者哥哥与个性温柔的上班族弟弟,工作能力强却心胸狭窄的姐姐与稍显天然,冒失没经验的妹妹之间发生的情感故事。