Biography on Tamil Nadu activist Arunachalam Muruganantham, whose mission was to provide sanitary napkin's to poor women of rural areas. Who would use rag cloths or leaves during periods where use of sanitary napkins was rare. After he did not get fruitful results from his family and a medical college he approached, he decided to try it himself by making a uterus out of football bladder and filling goat's blood in it. He would roam around the whole day with the bladder, the aim was to check the absorption rate of the sanitary napkins made by him. 爱她就给她用自制的姨妈巾。印度合伙人中的文化小彩蛋。一个为女人月经操碎了心的印度男人。第一是你第二是你第三是你……全部都是你。谈女权,一个“护垫侠”强过十个“键盘侠”。看完觉得奇怪的三点。为了拍出好电影,印度人连姨妈巾都没放过!。支撑你一直努力向前的动力到底是什么?。片中感情线的个人考据。帕丽为什么放弃了拉克希米。 电影曾译名《护垫侠》,根据印度草根企业家Muruganantham真实事迹改编。因为卫生巾关税高昂,在2012年印度仍有80%以上的女性在生理期无法使用卫生用品,初中文化程度的主人公拉克希米(阿克谢·库玛尔 饰)为了妻子(拉迪卡·艾普特 饰)的健康,寻找低成本的卫生巾的生产方法,却被全村人视为变态、疯子;最后他远走大城市德里,遇到了生命中最重要的美女合伙人帕里(索娜姆·卡普尔 饰),最终发明了低成本卫生巾生产机器,并开放专利,为印度全国对于女性经期卫生观念带来变革,2018年7月印度取消卫生巾进口关税。“权势之人、强壮之人不会让国家变强,女性强大、母亲强大、姐妹们强大后,国家才会强盛。”