Sakiko is a young married woman, but sees her life ruined when is arrested for the sudden murder of her husband. Despite her claim of innocence, the police do not believe her. Sakiko escapes and begins her own investigation. Her only lead is a tattoo on the murderers back. 她总是这么淡入淡出。凶手就是一个坑。「苍井空」主演深夜剧,给你不一样的「十八禁」。 改编自香川正人的同名漫画,苍井空演原本和丈夫幸福生活的女主咲子,某天丈夫突然被杀,她被当做杀人犯逮捕。她拼死逃走后,为寻找真凶展开调查,甚至不惜出卖身体,化身“复仇夜叉”。