Guan Pi Pi is an amateur reporter. In spite of being beautiful and kind, she often finds herself alone in the world. Because of that, Guan Pi Pi feels abandoned and hopeless. What she doesn't realize is that she has been marked with an ancient curse that has been the cause of all of the misfortune in her life. He Lan Jing Ting is the Jade Master, a secretive cultural relic specialist whose face remains unseen to the public eye. He Lan Jing Ting is practically alien to people, but no one knows just how true that statement is--The Jade Master is actually a deity from another realm. When He Lan Jing Ting meets Guan Pi Pi, he becomes convinced that he can make her believe in love again. But for a man who lives his life in solitude, it might be tough to save a woman suffering from a supernatural, millennia-old curse. 结爱中一些有意味的段落(全25集更新完)。《浅析结爱女主区别于传统国产偶像剧的地方》。终于能摆脱雷剧了。《结爱》圆了七年的梦。温吞吞的电视剧。十级撩妹教程+十级情感鸡汤。老夫的少女心又活过来了。开篇很好看,越看越没劲儿了。为陈正道导演打call。这部剧,最应该感谢导演。 关皮皮(宋茜 饰)是一名实习记者,这一次,她要采访的人物是名为贺兰静霆(黄景瑜 饰)的文物专家。贺兰静霆在业内是传奇人物一般的存在,年纪轻轻却通识玉器古玩,不仅如此,他的生活方式和作息习惯也异于常人,就连身理构造都和普通的人不一样。贺兰静霆告诉关皮皮,自己其实来自外星,是硅基生命体,可是关皮皮只当他在说胡话戏弄她而已。 关皮皮的生活里出现了一连串的意外,自己的男友劈腿了闺蜜,一时之间她失去了最爱的人和最信赖的人。在关皮皮最落魄的时光里,是贺兰静霆一直温柔的陪伴在她的身旁,久而久之,关皮皮和贺兰静霆之间展开了一场外星人之恋。