Contemporary Moscow. A talented gambler gathers a team of people with superpowers to win big at a casino. But at the game he finds himself up against a much stronger mystical rival and ends up in a deadlock putting in danger himself and his team that he has grown to love. To save his friends and his girlfriend the lead character will have to go above and beyond. 挺尴尬的一部电影。大材小用。剧情太简单。中二了(简评,Za granyu realnosti)。有点烂。莫名其妙的抢劫之旅。不论不类。 天赋异禀的赌徒麦奇(米罗斯毕克维克饰演),依靠缜密的计画以不同身份纵横赌场,直到一次行动中遭遇一个神秘高手,导致欠下巨额赌债并遭赌场追杀胁迫限时还债。 为寻神秘高手,他利用人脉打听,循线得知神秘高手不只一个,决定聚合这群拥有超自然力量的人,并以自己的方式重回赌场偷天换日,脱离威胁。 本片为了真实呈现故事情节,拍摄的地点跨越了全欧洲到俄罗斯,更以特效加乘呈现许多超能者运作的神秘世界。片中赌博场景选在位于俄罗斯黑海海岸亚速夫城(Azov-City),全球顶尖奢华的赌场中实际拍摄。安东尼奥班德拉斯在本片饰演高登,一名以神秘商人掩饰身分的赌徒,比麦克经验老道的多。麦克和他的队员们所走的每一步,其实都在高登的监看下,似乎高登才是决定他们计画成功与否的幕后主使者。