Before being able to join Alpha Sigma Rho fraternity and its sister sorority, four pledges must spend the night in Garth Manor, twelve years to the day after the previous resident murdered his entire family. Some, however, say that one member of the Garth family survived, and still resides somewhere in the now-deserted mansion. 在一场兄弟会和妇女联谊会联合举办的派对上,新人杰夫•雷德(Peter Barton彼得•巴顿 饰)、赛斯(Vincent Van Patten 文森特•范•派顿 饰)与妇女会的马蒂(Linda Blair 琳达•布雷尔 饰)一伙相约前往盖斯庄园过夜,以此作为他们的入会庆典。 当地传说,12年前盖斯庄园的主人狂性大发,先后杀死妻子及4个可爱的孩子,随后上吊自杀;已有说法称,盖斯的小儿子安德鲁在那场惨剧中生还,并藏身庄园某处。孟浪的青年们无视传说,大胆走入这片禁忌的园地,迎接他们的将是恶梦一般的恐怖之夜……