When one Mitsuo Ichikawa hears from another Mitsuo Ichikawa, who was a school-mate of his and also a senior and a mentor he learns that the caller is not only a thug, but has also murdered a woman. Instead of causing distance the two instead form a new collaboration. 游走于施虐与受虐之间的暧昧。你能和我一起去死吗。短评写不下了所以。故事很烂,演员很棒。共生人。你是我的狗,要一生听主人的话。。一起死也好过互舔伤口活着。有些人可能就是为爱而活的。黑与白的共生体。有桃子的基片不会太差(吧)。 《同级生》作者中村明日美子的耽美漫改新片。壹河光夫和市川光央从少年时代就形成了一个听从另一个命令的主仆关系,长大后的一件谋杀将指引他们再度交织。