A tale about youth and courage this film tells the story of Luiza,16 year old, who is just tired of hearing about the end of the world. One Christmas eve, her cousin João is shot in a poor neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro city, and disappears in the middle of the night. Some weeks after that, while Luiza is alone in her apartment, the girl will find a mysterious guest waiting for her in the living room: João, as a ghost, asking her to be hidden there. 这是一个关于青春与勇气的故事。Luiza是个听厌了世界末日的十六岁孩子,在圣诞节午后,她的表妹/姐在贫民区被射伤,然后晚上就离开了。几个星期后,Luiza发现一位神秘人在她的公寓客厅出现...