"Louisiana Caviar" is about Rodney, a former boxing champ who, after a deathbed visit to his trainer and mentor, is propelled into reclaiming victory for his now simple life as a nightclub bouncer. He partners with Nic a no-nonsense lesbian photographer and an aspiring starlet to make a compromising tape with Isaac, a married devout Orthodox Jewish real estate mogul, that sets off a chain of events that brings down an empire. 前冠军拳击手Rodney原先过着洗尽铅华的生活,在夜店担任保安工作,却在一次前往医院探病,看望病榻上的前教练及人生导师的过程中,被意外激发,重新踏上了扭转人生际遇的旅途。他与法米克•约翰逊饰演的同性恋摄影师Nic连手,找来一位菜鸟小女星和已婚且虔诚的东正教犹太房地产大亨 Isaac合力设局,一同拍摄情色影带。在经过一连串的精密设计和布局后,成功搞垮由Dreyfuss’s Yuri控制的黑暗地下势力。