The crew of a medical helicopter suffers an accident when helping a joint force of USA and United Nations troops under Spanish command division in Afghanistan. The Spanish army has only one night to organize the rescue of the crew and injured, but what seems routine turns into hell once they receive the order to rescue the helicopter as well. Things only get worse when during the night a huge concentration of Talibans begin surrounding them. 片中的战术让我不禁替西班牙人民的智商和军队的战斗力捉急。看完《敌对区域》之后的几点感受。一帮子弱鸡打另外一帮子弱鸡的故事。敌对区域。谁说西班牙没有神剧,?。西班牙作为维和力量,付出的代价也不小。。坏事变好事?人的器官,和生活质量,生命应该比一加飞机重要的多吧!。 一架联合国医疗直升机在阿富汗的山区遭遇意外,附近的西班牙军队必须在天黑之前将他们救出塔利班武装的包围之中