Therapist Joy is trying to find a way to keep her spark with her husband, following a cycling accident which has put their sex life on hold. Suddenly Joy and Alan find themselves drawn to new people, and both are tempted to make the ultimate indiscretion. 绝对不只是开放式婚姻这么简单(严重剧透第五集)。谁知道女主二女儿还演过什么戏。在不确定性中寻求确定。20181006, s01e05, psychological affair~~~~~~~~~~~~~~。20181001, s01e04, affair always be affair~~~~~~~~~~~~。20180925, s01e03, men from the Earth and women from the Mars~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~。20180914, s01e02, awkward meet at the bar~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~。20181022, s01e06, love and hate~~~~~~~~~~~~~~。 托妮·科莱特将出演BBC六集新剧《旅行癖》(Wanderlust,暂译),编剧尼克·佩恩([终结的感觉]),导演卢克·斯奈林(《职介破事儿》)。该剧聚焦一个家庭中的几代人,科莱特饰演女主角理疗师乔伊,她一直试图修复已经破损的夫妻关系。该剧目前正在曼彻斯特热拍,将在BBC1台首播,同时登陆Netflix。