After the events of the second season, Ai's three helpers, Ichimoku Ren, Wanyuudou, and Hone-Onna live out their lives in relative peace. This is suddenly shattered when Kikuri returns to recruit them. Meanwhile, Ai mysteriously reappears from the dead and uses the body of a young schoolgirl, Yuzuki Mikage, to continue the Jigoku Tsuushin operation. Yuzuki is aware of Ai's presence, however, when she can see what Ai sees. 還好愛還在。。那一瞬间的仇恨。她的百年。你是被地狱少女救赎的一员么?。原来地狱少女百合了啊。第三季做的简直垃圾到无以复加。曼珠沙华盛放。矛盾啊矛盾。想要爱不做社畜,就得从每个人做起。