The Water God Habaek visits earth to fulfill his mission with the help of his servant in the human world, named psychiatrist Yoon So Ah, whose ancestor have promised to serve The Water God for generations. Unfortunately she doesn't believe in the gods and mistakes him for a delusional patient. Things get even more strange, when The Wind god Bi Ryum, The Water Goddess Mu Ra, and Demi-God Hu Ye shows up to complicate things. What will happen now. 确实不该抱期待的。看女主教你如何反败为胜,欲擒故纵。越来越不走寻常路的韩剧。不让申世景背这个锅。。脑洞。其实还蛮不错的一部作品。为了女二在坚持!。好好享受每一天。河伯的新娘。很不错啊!。 神界由三个国度组成,它们分别是天之国,地之国和水之国。其中,水之国的帝王拥有着统治三国的权利,他手中掌握着的由三枚神石制成的玉玺,代表了他至高无上的地位。一晃眼,帝王继位已经三千年了,某日,水之国忽然涌现出了红水,这也就意味着,一位新的帝王即将诞生。 水神河伯(南柱赫 饰)和神仆南修利一起来到了人间,寻找散落在这里的神石和三位神石守护者。在误打误撞之中,河伯邂逅了名为尹素雅(申世景 饰)的外科医生,又失去了神力。崇尚科学的尹素雅,对于河伯所说的话分毫不信,只当做是胡言乱语。然而,随着时间的推移,河伯所说的话一一被证实,在互动和了解之中,一段旷世情缘在一神一人之间展开。