In this inspiring tale based on true events, 17-year-old Ali Jahani is a newcomer to a small California town, where he stands out as different in an unwelcoming community. Living with his embittered uncle, the boy faces a mountain of adversity everywhere he turns. Rejected by everyone but determined to fit in, he joins the school's floundering wrestling team. With a chance to change how others see him, Ali must step up and learn to be a hero. 摔跤吧阿里。美国的种族歧视。珍惜当下,我们比很多人幸福。两个败笔。摔出个未来,加油~。Stick your nose in the books。Fahaz:If Knox is in your head,he's already won.You want some pizzar?。趴在杠杠上比吊在杠杠上绝对舒服。一生中总有些雨要下。美版「摔跤吧爸爸」,主角竟然不是美国人。 摔跤题材励志电影,改编自真实故事。 为躲避战乱,男主从伊朗逃到美国,却不受同学待见,直到他加入了摔跤队……