The first installment of a 2 series saga focuses on Kikaider's quest to stop The Dark Organization run by Professor Gil, and find Professor Kyomji, who lost his memory in a big explosion in the middle of episode 1. Later in the series, Hakaider was created to destroy Kikaider. Which brought on more difficult tasks. 因為光明寺博士所製造的機械人都被邪惡的基路博士用來作姦犯科,所以他秘密製造了一個人造人,希望可以破壞基路博士的陰謀。 但在完成前被基路博士發現,研究所爆炸,光明寺博士亦失蹤。後來光明寺博士的一對兒女被基路博士的機械人襲擊,此時有一個名為次郎的人出現,他變成電腦奇俠救了她們。 原來次郎就是光明寺博士所製造的人造人,為了正義與基路博士對抗。