Director Chris Weitz's historical thriller is based on the story of how a group of Israeli secret agents arrested notorious SS officer Adolf Eichmann - the man who masterminded the "Final Solution" - in Argentina. Oscar Isaac plays the legendary Mossad agent Peter Malkin, while Ben Kingsley plays his emotionally manipulative arch-nemesis. After tracking Eichmann down to Buenos Aires, Malkin and his men captured him and brought him to Israel for a historic 8-month trial. 《最终行动》。最终行动 观后感。历史的细节。不错的影片。犹太人。 改编自著名历史真实事件:以色列摩萨德组织追捕纳粹德国高官、被称为“死刑执行者”的阿道夫·艾希曼的故事。 金斯利饰演艾希曼;阿尔文饰他最年长的儿子克劳斯,在追捕行动期间为了隐藏父亲的身份而谎称是他叔叔;伊萨克饰摩萨德小队领导Peter Malkin,与罗兰饰演的小队唯一女性、麻醉学者Hanna有感情戏;理查森饰克劳斯的女友Sylvia Herman,她起初不顾家人警告和反对疯狂爱上了克劳斯,最终转投摩萨德;阿隆诺夫饰摩萨德特工Zvi Aharoni,傲慢不羁,经常和Peter Malkin发生争执;拉兹饰摩萨德局长Isser Harel。