The handsome top agent Matt dies a tragic death in his bath tub - the women mourn about the loss. However it's just faked for his latest top-secret mission: He shall find Dr. Solaris, inventor of the Helium laser beam, powerful enough to destroy a whole continent. It seems Dr. Solaris has been kidnapped by a criminal organization. The trace leads to the Cote D'Azur... 本片是以前任ICE情报局探员Matt Helm(迪恩·马丁 Dean Martin 饰)为主角的系列电影第二集(总共有四集)。 超级情报员麦特接到前老板麦康诺的指派任务后,于是带着时髦饮料和先进武器,离开他的单身豪宅和私人泳池,前去从恶人手中拯救出国际知名科学家。在寻找失踪人口过程中,源源不绝的美女涌来,横跨美、英、法三国的旅程更是美不胜收。