In the aftermath of a great and terrible war, Haruka finds herself the last surviving human on Earth. Though humanity may have been wiped out, she is not entirely alone. Advanced robots have survived the apocalypse, and Haruka lives with five who care for her: Spike, a boyish android who is very attached to her; Trigger, hot-tempered with a penchant for firearms; Cleric, the intelligent problem solver; Reeves, whose thoughtfulness overshadows his intimidating appearance; and Angela, a sword wielding recluse with an aversion towards humans. Residing in a high-rise building at the center of the city, Haruka lives a relatively peaceful life with her mechanical family. However, her life is far from a stable one. Not only is a lack of resources a concern, but violent, remnant robots from the war roam free, ready to destroy whomever they meet. Kurogane Communication follows Haruka as she tries to survive in an apocalyptic world while facing many dangers that will challenge her daily life. 在一场毁灭性的世界大战后,地球只剩机器人们和唯一人类女性存活着,而这少女名字就叫做『遥』,在其身旁有五位机器人们的相伴。而对于醒来之前的记忆都没有的遥,为了寻找其失去的记忆而离家出走,却遇到了同样是人类的少年卡那特……那么,人类真的就只剩下他们两人了吗?还是说,人类已经去了别的星球?