The film follows the harrowing experience of a writer struggling with a rare neurological disease from when she first suffers symptoms to the many attempts at diagnosing it and the eventual discovery of the real cause of her illness. Based on the book, 'Brain On Fire', the true story of Susannah Cahalan, a journalist for the New York Times. 几乎是一部治疗案例电影。一部受众窄,但绝对被低估的电影。个案的容量。影评,脑火 Brain on Fire。I found you, you are not lost.。一个疑难杂症病例拍成的电影。脑火这个名字就绝了。平淡的电影对不起这本温暖真实的好书。差点被误诊的靓丽女孩得到了重生 方汉君。My dear, I know you’re in here. I’m going to everything I can to find you.。 影片根据纽约记者苏珊娜·卡霍伦个人传记改编,讲述她自己从医院醒来后失去了所有记忆,时而出现各种幻觉,时而爆发癫痫,在一位医生的帮助下,她鼓起生活的勇气,开始寻找失去的记忆……