The series revolves around re-awakened Monster DNA, called Monsuno, that finds its way into the unsuspecting hands of adventure-seeking teenagers Chase, Jinja, and Bren. Accompanied by their Monsuno, Lock, Charger, and Quickforce, they are searching for Chase's father Jeredy Suno, the creator of the Monsuno. They are soon joined by Beyal, a monk from the Himalayas along with his Monsuno Glowblade. Beyal often speaks of five people that with the help of their Monsuno, could change the world. It just so happens that they are that five, along with Dax, a teenager who along with his Monsuno Airswitch, opposes the team and is disliked among most people. The team has yet to befriend him and persuade him to join their cause. They are also on the run from an agency called "S.T.O.R.M." (Strategic Tactical Operatives for Recovery of Monsuno) who's plans are still in question. 主人公彻斯是个无论面对任何困难都能勇敢面对的少年。为了找寻下落不明的父亲杰雷迪博士,彻斯与伙伴们一同踏上了冒险的旅程。那天,彻斯一行得到了由杰雷迪博士开发的名为“核”的装置。然而,这其中追踪并狙击他们的军事组织“STORM”,则是由疯狂科学家库里普斯所率领的秘密集团“Eclipse”。就这样,由彻斯率领的CoreTec团队,通过旋转“核”而召唤出巨兽“Monsuno”,展开了与强敌之间的战斗。