"My Voice, My Life" tells the poignant stories of a group of under-privileged Hong Kong youngsters as they participate in six months of vigorous training to produce a musical on stage. Through their trials and tribulations, the students challenge parents, teachers and policy makers to reflect on our way of nurturing the next generation. 關於子諾。久违的感动!。香港教育實況。我相信你,我再次选择相信你。 「争气」(My Voice, My Life) 是一出由L plus H Creations Foundation 及Lee Hysan Foundation联合出品、奥斯卡金像奖纪录片得主杨紫烨(Ruby Yang)执导的感人励志电影,一部向教育工作者致敬、献给香港年轻人及家长的写实作品。 电影追踪一班来自不同背景的基层青少年,在一个长达半年的品格教育及音乐剧的专业严谨训练中,他们的毅力、专注力、及处事态度如何受到前所未有的冲击,从而经历一次生命蜕变的成长旅程。本片亦展示香港青少年、家长、教育界所面对的社会标签及资源匮乏之挣扎。