The current educational system in the United States was developed a century ago during the rise of the industrial age and was once the envy of the world. However, the world economy has ... 教育界的世界大同。。整个教育体系就是一场游戏,大家都在遵循这个游戏规则而已。教育是gardening,而不是engineering。基本内容摘录《极有可能成功/most likely to succeed》。观后感。项目式教学的实践探索。面向未来的教育革新。教育与明天——教育是为了解决明天的问题而进行的。硬知识制度 vs. 软技能现实。极有可能成功 内容摘录 2020.4。 Our current education system is attempting to teach and test skills, that even when mastered, leaves graduates woefully unprepared for the 21st century. This feature-length documentary examines what sort of educational environment is most likely to prepare students for a world changing exponentially.