Writer-director Charlie McDowell returns to Sundance this year with a thriller about a scientist (played by Robert Redford) who uncovers scientific proof that there is indeed an afterlife. His son is portrayed by Jason Segel, who's not too sure about his father's "discovery", and Rooney Mara plays a mystery woman who has her own reasons for wanting to find out more about the afterlife. 世界观宏大可惜导演没hold住《爱有来世》(2017)。当来世变成了平行宇宙,你真的想重来?。《发现/爱有来世》:人们所向往的来世或许只是另一场不相上下的逃避。存在主义恋人以冥河相隔。爱有来世。爱是否也是一种执着呢?。与其是来世,不如说平行时空。爱使人孤独。这片定义的来世似乎更像是带记忆带身体的穿越。。Going deeper。 在“来世”被科学证实存在的一年后,数以百万计的人希望结束生命以到达来世。此时一对男女坠入爱河,却要同时面对他们悲痛的过去和来世的真相。