Geum Bi is a spirited 8-year-old girl who suffers from Niemann-Pick Disease Type C (NPC), a rare genetic condition that makes her body unable to properly metabolize cholesterol and other lipids. The condition is often referred to as "childhood Alzheimer's" because of the rapid mental and physical deterioration that accompanies it. Her single father, Hwi Cheol, is a swindler. While taking care of Geum Bi, he learns about the preciousness of life. Geum Bi's stern mother, Jang Joo Yeong, is estranged from Hwi Cheol and disapproves of everything he does. Go Kang Hee is an arborist who likes to spend her time alone or on the search for stolen cultural artifacts. When Kang Hee meets Hwi Cheol, she finds herself drawn into his life. Can Geum Bi teach Kang Hee to mend her fractured heart? 为了能让你醒过来,我祈祷着就算去领养院也没关系。十岁女孩的救赎他人之路。感性的你会喜欢这部剧的。。 原本是詐欺犯的輝哲,某天突然有個小女孩錦菲找上門說是自己的女兒,在照顧患有小兒痴呆症、記憶喪失的錦菲的過程中,經歷相互爭吵、相互理解後,達到了真正的父女和諧,而輝哲也從騙子漸漸變成了真正的父親。