Lem goes to Chicago to sell the wheat his family has grown on their farm in Minnesota. There he meets the waitress Kate. They fall in love and get married before going back to the farm. Kate is accepted by Lem's mother and kid sister but is rejected by his father, who believes she married for the money. (And the fact that Lem didn't get a fair price for the wheat is her fault too). The reapers arrive and quickly they make things even more complicated by making their move on Kate. Lem misunderstands the situation and believes Kate is actually interested. In despair Kate leaves the farm and Lem goes looking for her. 女权的胜利还是父系的应允?。乡村不是世外桃源。为什么叫它经典,叫他大师!。拍摄质量很棒的黑白默片。。 故事发生在美国明尼苏达州的一个小镇上,乐蒙(查尔斯·法莱尔 Charles Farrell 饰)出生在一个富裕的农耕家庭之中。某日,他前往纽约去卖小麦,在途中遇见了名为凯特(玛丽·邓肯 Mary Duncan 饰)的女招待,温柔美丽的凯特很快就捕获了乐蒙的心,两人火速结婚,并且携手返回乐蒙家中。 对于这个突如其来的儿媳妇,乐蒙的母亲和姐姐展现出了热情和善意,但乐蒙的父亲却始终认为,凯特并不是真的爱自己的儿子,不过是惦记着家里的财产而已。收割的季节来了,乐蒙雇佣了工人来家里务农,却误会凯特和工人们之间有着暧昧不清的关系。羞愤之下,凯特选择了离开乐蒙。