Sudeep will be seen in two characters - Satya and Shiva. While one is an innocent guy (Satya), the other is a cunning thief (Shiva). The cops does not believe the existence of two people and suspects the hero and villain to be one. Are the cops right in their belief? Are Shiva and Satya the same person? Answers to these questions form the rest of the story. At the end Sudeep proves that he is Kotigobba. 这不是《功夫小蝇》里的反派大博士吗?。 两个不法商人的巨额财产被一名窃贼掠走,警察怀疑是萨提亚所为,然而萨提亚却矢口否认,辩称行窃的是自己的兄弟希瓦,不是自己。事实真相到底如何……