A black soldier is killed while returning to his base in the deep south. The white people of the area are suspected at first. A tough black army attorney is brought in to find out the truth. We find out a bit more about the dead soldier in flashbacks - and that he was unpopular. Will the attorney find the killer ? 种族的歧视,其实无关于肤色和阶级,而是文明的程度。。A Soldier's Story。 一场扑朔迷离的谋杀案,骇人听闻的真相。一位黑人军官在回南方腹地的军营途中,不幸地被人谋杀,起初这一切是怀疑被白人所害,然而一位强势的黑人律师被牵涉其中,他企图找出事情的真相,在回溯其肇事过程中,发现此位黑人军官并不受其他人欢迎,这位律师是否能查明真相,找出真正的杀人凶手呢?本片获1985年奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳男配角和最佳编剧提名。