Flavia, la monaca musulmana/Castigata - Die Gezüchtigte/Flavia/Flavia - Leidensweg einer Nonne/Flavia la défroquée/Flavia the Heretic/Flavia the Rebel Nun/Flavia, Priestess of Violence/Flavia: Heretic Priestess/Flavian verinen kosto/Nonne und der Freibeuter, Die/Nonnen bis aufs Blut gequält/Novicia musulmana, La/Pahuuden luostari/The Heretic/The Muslim Nun/The Rebel Nun / 法拉维亚 / 修女禁恋之三:法拉维亚
Italy 1600: A convent of nuns are invaded by the Tarantula Sect on their annual pilgrimage. The cultists defile the place of worship, orgying in the chapel and desecrating the altar. One nun decides she can't take the religious oppression any longer and flees the convent upset that all the leaders are male. 抛弃自己的宗教信仰需要很大的勇气。 一名不甘受束缚的修女法拉维亚为了追求自由及男人与女人的平等而逃离修道院,突如其来的战争使她获得了爱情和权利,法拉维亚为此也付出了沉重的代价……