In 1188 A.D., in Limerick, Ireland, Templar Knights chase a creature through the woods and trap her head in a box. In the present day Professor Isla Whelan and her two assistants are researching and labeling historical artifacts in the basement of the university where she works and they find an Irish glove and map with the name Duncan. Isla's estranged daughter Shayla Whelan finds a hidden space behind a wall with a box with the severed head, but they believe that it belongs to deformed person or an animal. Out of the blue, the head screams and they all bleed through the ears. They learn soon that the head is from a Banshee and in accordance with the mythology they are doomed to die. Their only hope is to find the lunatic and discredited Professor Broderick Duncan, whose expertise is in the feminine spirit in Irish mythology. 实在是太差了。其实吧 开头还是凑合的~。名字应该是“尖叫的闪妖”。顺便一提:影片中木有那个海报上的香艳美女出现!。超级大烂片!没逻辑!没特效!没美女!。烂!烂!烂!烂!烂!烂!烂!烂!烂!烂!烂!烂!烂!烂!烂!烂!烂!。《尖叫的女妖》剧情评论。 某大学实验室,在一次针对爱尔兰中世纪文化的考古过程中,谢拉·惠兰教授(马歇尔·贝尔 Marcelle Baer 饰)和助手们偶然发现一个制作精巧的盒子。他们小心打开盒子,却发现里面竟是一颗丑陋怪异的头颅。更为恐怖的是,头颅发出恐怖的吼叫,致令实验室的器材遭到破坏,现场的人员也受到不同程度的损害。然而一切还未结束,他们仓促鲁莽的举止释放了已沉睡近两百年的恐怖女妖。谢拉和他的助手从此被女妖所跟踪,恐怖的事件接连发生。 根据爱尔兰的古老传说,凡是听到女妖喊叫的人,必将不久于人世……