Long ago there was a great samurai warrior who served his Shogun honorably. The Shogun however grew paranoid as he became more and more senile. The Shogun sought to destroy all those who might stand to oppose his rule, and so he sent his ninja spies to the samurai's home. The ninjas failed to kill the samurai, but did kill his beloved wife. From then on, the samurai swore on his honor to seek out the Shogun and avenge the death of his love. The samurai roams the countryside with his toddler son taking on mercenary work for money until the final battle with the Shogun's three Masters of Death. 由杀死比尔到杀死大将军。 德川幕府时代,公仪介错人(为剖腹者斩首的刽子手)拜一刀(若山富三郎 饰)衷心不二,却反遭专横跋扈的柳生家族陷害。妻子死后,拜一刀怀抱年幼的儿子大五郎(富川晶宏 饰)痛斩来使,杀尽来袭的武士,随后绝走江湖。他以担任赏金杀手为生,推着婴儿车游走全国各地,被人称作“ 带子雄狼”。与此同时,柳生烈堂对其追击不舍,先后派出黑锹小角(小林昭二 饰)率领的忍者军团和柳生鞘香(松尾嘉代 饰)操练的女子此刻军团袭击拜一刀父子。一时间江湖路上血雨腥风,独狼父子浴血前行…… 本片由美国方根据《带子雄狼》系列第1,2集重新剪辑并配音而成。