Mio owns a cemetery in a small port city in Kyushu. In the city she is considered as a vulture, because she earns her living with the death of another. After losing her husband, her libido suddenly awakens. A typhoon rips through the town. Not only does she provide funeral "services" for the grieving parties but also "attends" to their needs after the funeral. 贝壳鸭梨很大。 位于九州的一个海港小镇,狂孽的台风时常光顾,小镇有如颠簸于惊涛骇浪中的扁舟,惊恐而孤独。冷漠孤寂的美丽女子泠(穗花 饰)独自经营者叶月葬仪社,丈夫因故身亡,她的心也有如消亡一般。只是,虽然她言说早已看透生死,但在暴风雨之夜依然会感到恐慌,在原欲面前依然会躁动难耐。她是男人渴望把玩的尤物,是女人严重卖弄风骚的妖孽,是一个谁人也无法参透的存在。 没有工作的青年大吉(内田亮介 饰)根据招聘启事来到了叶月葬仪社,在与泠合作的过程中,他渐渐为对方所吸引,也终于触摸到泠那几无他人触摸过的脆弱易伤的心。静默的恋情在台风中慢慢化开……