After the FBI receives a threat that endangers the entire city, an interrogator (Copeland) and an I.T. specialist (Perry) are plunged into a series of mind games with a criminal mastermind, desperately racing against time to uncover the villain's true agenda as they fight to protect thousands of lives. Copeland and Perry deliver a knockout blow in this electrifying thriller that crackles with edge-of-your-seat suspense. 大块头有大智慧。照猫画虎反类犬。Memory Savant。 美国联邦调查局调查网路上一种智力游戏恐危及到整个城市,而这种智力游戏牵扯出更多的刑事主谋,为保护数众人的生命,必须揭露真正主谋拼与时间赛跑,即时给于罪犯一个毁灭性的打击。